HVLS Industrial ceiling Fans: All you Need to Know

You have probably seen these high volume low speed (HVLS) fans in a company where you work, airport terminals, or gyms. HVLS industrial ceiling fans are big, slow, moving fans that circulate air quietly. Because of their large size, they stir large volumes and move them in different directions, increasing air circulation. That air replaces hot and humid air with a dry and cool breeze.

So stick around if you would love to learn something or two.

What is an HVLS fan?

It is a high-volume, low-speed fan, just like its nickname suggests. It is a large fan of up to seven-meter diameter mounted on ceilings or a rod if there’s no ceiling or it’s high. This fan moves slowly, with a maximum of 200 revolutions per minute (RPM), and the fan tip speed is usually at 60 mph or less. The air that passes the fan in one revolution …